You may have the best product or service in town and nobody would know about it. It’s not enough to have the best product, you need to talk about it, spread the word, and consistently produce content that will generate traffic towards your product.

There are many ways to talk about your product or brand. Whether you are a new business or an upcoming business; the ultimate goal is to sell. You can only sell when people know you. Therefore you need to invest in communication.

You can do that by using word-by-mouth or placing adverts, but most times these techniques do not push potential customers to action. Most often you need a click-to-action strategy that would make your customers push the checkout button.

Sometimes to be able to get new customers you need to draw their attention with offers/discounts. This article will concentrate on key discount offers that will get customers to click on your WooCommerce shop.

Indeed there are a lot of WooCommerce discount plugins on the market today, which have specific features for specific goals. For this article, we will focus on the discount plugin that gives you an easy hand to set up discounts that can give more visibility to your online shop which is the Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin.

Below we will look at the discounts that will give more visibility to your online shop. By using the Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin you can easily create all the following discounts.

We will look at the why, when, and how to use them to get real results.

The first aim is to make your shop the talk of the town and then to push people to action (that is make them purchase from your shop).

Everybody loves gifts, no matter the status of your shop. Whether you are a beginner or a famous shop, giving out free gifts once in a while wouldn’t do any harm to a business, because you decide what you give out as a gift, when you give out a gift, and to whom.

If your goal is to draw traffic and visibility to your e-commerce shop, then free gifts are a yes!

Some people became loyal customers to a shop because the first time they used the product or service it was for free. Not that they didn’t have the money to purchase, but that allowed them to test the quality of the product or service.

Your target for the free gifts should be new customers – when you know you have a great product or service, sometimes free gifts serve as bait to win them over and turn them from potential to loyal customers.

There are many ways for you to achieve this, and especially make it a win-win deal. Here are some ways discussed below:

Giving WooCommerce discounts through pre-launch offers 

This type of strategy is used mostly when you have a new product, service or online shop to launch and you want people to know, endorse, and be expectant before the big day. You choose the incentive you want to give out, which can be a free gift, a percentage off the selling price, or a discount based on your customers’ actions.

Pre-launch tends to draw traffic because of its nature of surprise. Since people are always on the watch for the next new thing, it creates curiosity, and excitement, teases the mind, and makes people wonder what’s cooking in your company or online store.

Therefore planning a very good pre-launch strategy can make your product, service, or shop launch a success.

For instance; a watch seller wants to launch their latest collection. In their communication campaign, they advertised on their website, and on their social media handles for better visibility and offered a 30% discount( on the latest collection) to anyone will subscribed to their newsletter to receive the official launching date.

The result is that the message will reach a larger audience, which will create anticipation and will push some to purchase during the determined period to be able to benefit from the discount.

Read more on how you can set up your pre-launch discount with the Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin

Building your mailing list with newsletter or email discounts

The backbone of your shop is your customers. If your customers didn’t exist, your business wouldn’t exist. When you have an online shop, the best direct channel to market your product and deals to your customers is by email. To be able to build a strong mailing list for your business you can give out incentives in return for an email address.

To push your potential customers to action, this can be in the form of a popup that will appear when a customer visits your shop.

It is also applicable to the pre-launch phase of a product. To increase the exposure of your product you can give a discount or free gift to the subscriber that invites a friend or shares an invitation to his contacts.

Example: A bag seller is launching a new collection of bags. During the pre-launch phase, he offers a 40% discount off the new product for every purchaser who signs up and invites a friend to also sign up for their newsletter.

As a shop owner in return, you will have more emails collected and more bags sold. But it is up to you to determine the period in which you can give out this type of discount depending on how your sales are moving.

Check out how to create and grow your newsletter discounts here.

 Setting up affiliate/referral links with a WooCommerce discount plugin

Referral offers involve link sharing. One person shares the link with another person, the person shares it with another person, and so on. So when the person clicks on the link and lands on your shop through the affiliation link, you can apply a discount to the referrer and the referred.

In short, you have the products and have others promote your product, in exchange for giving them a commission from the sales that they make. Affiliation links have the power to increase your audience and sales when your affiliate marketer does solid communication.

Example: Essentia sells top-quality eco-friendly mattresses and their affiliate program offers commissions of up to $358 per sale.

Start your affiliate program with AffiliateWP which gives you all the essential tools to make more money.

You can also easily create your own WooCommerce affiliate links by reading this article.

Leveraging on influencer deals

Influencers can attract people to your online shop. If they give a form of visibility to your product or service, you can win over their fans and turn them into customers. Their fans will come to you because of the influence the blogger, celebrity, expert, or resource person has on them.

Be careful in choosing the influencer though. The influencer you have selected must have a good reputation, and credibility and must align with the core values of your business. The benefits of using influencer deals are that it is more authentic than ads, it provide access to a larger audience, they are an easy way to build trust, they are more cost-effective than other marketing channels and they can win over a new target audience.

Example: Let’s say you sell clothes, you can partner with a popular fashion blogger who can write an article on your brand and eventually add a a promo code to it. Anybody who clicks through the article gets to your online shop through the promo code and purchases the product gets the discount, in return, the influencer gets exclusive services from you for the work achieved.

 Using BOGO to attract customers

Buy One Get One is a marketing strategy that implies that when the customer purchases a unit of an item s/he gets the second one for free. BOGO works in all seasons. But it may not work for every product. Depending on the product you sell, you can determine whether a BOGO offer is good for you.

It is designed to clear out unmoving stock. It sounds like a great deal because it makes the customer feel he is getting more than he paid for.

This can draw a lot of traffic to your online shop and at the same allow you to build your mailing list. You can place banners of your BOGO offer on social media platforms, and on your website, you can even purchase ads space from Google to display your advert on their platforms. Remember that the more exposure you give your offer the more visibility it will get.

Example: An eyeglass store gives out the second pair of glasses for free after the customer purchases the first pair and subscribes to their newsletter.

You can also create your BOGO discounts with the Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin by following this article. Discover also how you can boost your sales with BOGO.


There are many ways to draw customers to your shop, you only need to plan and take into account which type of deal is good for which season.

We discussed the different discount techniques you can use to attract more visitors to your online shop above. We looked at using free gifts or percentage discounts in different ways like during a pre-launch, email subscriptions, affiliation links, and BOGO deals.

Fortunately, the Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce plugin has integrated all these various strategies as features that you can easily use within your shop to manage your deals. Beyond these, it also offers you any type of discount you wish to apply to your products.

Hoping that this article has given you some techniques that can help you attract more customers to your online shop, but keep in mind that the technique you use will depend on your goals.

Do you have some ideas or advice to share when it comes to attracting customers with discounts? What have you found to be most effective for your online business? Be sure to drop us a comment below!