
The Visual Product Configurator Form Builder Add on allows the customer to create a custom form that captures extra information when ordering products or services.

Requirements and Installation

The instructions for the requirements, installation, and setup of the Form Builder Addon can be found here. It requires that the Visual product configurator plugin to be installed and activated, as well as WooCommerce.Any additional setup information will be provided below.

View Demo here.


In order to use the form builder, you need to do the following after installation and activation:

  • Go to the WordPress Admin panel > Product builder > Form builder
  • Create a new form, by filling in all the required boxes.vpc 31 formbuilder01Orion form builder Form creation view
  • Open the configuration you want to add the form to, for edition.
  • Select the form to be added to the configuration.vpc 32 formbuilder02
    Configuration edit screen showing form selector field.
  • Click ‘Update’ to save your changes to the configuration.
    Form display at Front end
    Form display at the front end