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How to set up Tiered Pricing in a WooCommerce Store

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What is Tiered Pricing?

Tiered pricing entails accumulating the discount value you have set for a WooCommerce product across defined intervals or steps.
It is usually applied in situations where you want to give a bulk discount on a single product.
Please note that the bulk pricing table will not be active if the Tiered pricing option is enabled.

Example: Set the product price to $30 for every multiple of 4 in the customer’s shopping cart.


The Quantity Based Pricing field for the product has the requested value.
Here’s the product added to the shopping cart.

The customer added a quantity of 5, therefore only 4 of that was given a cost price of $30. The last one would be at the original price of $35. The final average price per unit is $31.

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