The most popular strategies used in sales are WooCommerce dynamic discounts, that is if your online store is based on WooCommerce and WordPress. With dynamic discounts;

  • you can attract new customers
  • you can make conversions and get loyal customers,
  • you can get rid of unsold stocks.

There are different ways and mediums you can use to make discounts work to your advantage.

Among the different existing ways, we will look at how you can use WooCommerce dynamic discounts based on customer emails to your advantage.

Importance of email database for an online shop

Having a mailing database is very important to any business that wants to expand and be stable. Emails are one of the most consistent mediums that keep you in contact with your customers.

Phones can get lost, phone numbers can be changed for one reason or the other, but emails rarely go missing because its internet-based. Unless the user forgets the password.

We can say that having an email database is the backbone of your business. In terms of the external relationships that your business needs.

A business cannot survive without customers, the moment you have no customers, your business is dead. And to keep your business moving and growing, you need to have a list of contacts to which you will give a particular attention. Because a satisfied customer is a loyal customer.

One of the best way to keep in touch with your customers, without giving the impression that you are disturbing the customer, is using the email system to inform and sell your products to your customers strategically. If not they can feel irritated when the emails are irrelevant, too frequent or unwanted.

The most occurring type of emails we often receive are mails that contain an information on an entity, product adverts, update newsletters, blog updates and much more.

For your emails to stay relevant for your readers, your content must add some value to the reader. Your emails should be sent at the right time, twice a month is good, but once every week can become irritating.

Your email should contain information that can be useful to the reader, not necessarily about your product, but anything that can contribute to the well being of the reader or solve a problem.

Others call it email marketing, and it is a critical component for every online business. Any business that doesn’t know the importance of it in this era of tight competition, may not progress.

Statistics on the impact of dynamic discount via emails

According to convince and convert :

  1. 7 out of 10 said that they have used an emailed discount before
  2. 75% of consumers scoured their inboxes in the search of relevant discounts
  3. 85% of consumers that are receptive to email discounts prefer money-off deals

In a more general sense according to web presence solutions the impacts of dynamic discounts by email is much larger:

  1. The number of e-mail users worldwide is forecasted to rise to 2.9 billion users by 2019.
  2. E-mails with a personalized message had 18.8% of open-rate, compared to e-mails without personalization with 13.1%  in 2016.
  3. Constant Contact surveyed small business owners and found that 49% do not use email marketing data to assist with their email marketing campaigns because they do not know where to begin.
  4. Ecommerce customers who received multiple abandoned shopping cart emails are 2.4 times more likely to complete the purchase than those who receive only one follow up email.
  5. According to Campaign Monitor, for every dollar spent on email marketing, an average of $44 dollar benefit is made.

The advantages of  WooCommerce dynamic discounts based on email address

The benefits of offering dynamic discounts by email are numerous, some of them are:

  •  Economic: you don’t need a heavy budget to send your WooCommerce dynamic discounts offers by email, just a computer and an internet connection and you can get things rolling.
  • Time saving: The moment you have an internet connection you can send your offers at the speed of light. If you have targeted the email addresses you want to send a specific offer to, through automation you can send your message to a bulk of addresses at once. For example discount offers , first time offers or, abandoned cart offers.
  • Adaptable: you can tailor your WooCommerce dynamic discounts to a large audience or to specific targeted groups of people
  • Conversions: Customers are likely to click on your discount offer and follow the call to action spontaneously, because everybody is always looking out for cool deals.

The disadvantages of WooCommerce dynamic discounts on email addresses

  • Lack of resources and skills: when you don’t have the right knowledge on how to create a successful dynamic discount email campaign, it can be quite hard to reach your target; it will be better to recruit an expert in the domain.
  • Spam results: When frequently bashing the customer with commercial emails, the customer can treat your online shop as cheap. This can also irritate the user and push him to unsubscribe from your list. Therefore study your database and target your discounts to the right people.
  • Undelivered emails: When your email content contains spam words, or the email is wrong, your mails can fall in their spam box or will not be delivered at all. Make sure this little details are checked before sending out mails.

This is a non exhaustive list of words and phrases to avoid:

Act nowDeals $$$
Bonus  Freedom Buy
Free callDiscount Cash
Click hereMake moneyCheap
extraAdditional incomeOrder now
Billion Amazed Instant
Congratulations 100%Success
Unlimited Win Friend
Urgent Fantastic Earn

4 types of woocommerce dynamic discounts you can apply based on a customers email

  • Users groups discounts : You can offer woocommerce dynamic discounts to a particular group of users on your shop. Let’s say all of your employees that buy from your online shop gets a 30% discount on items when purchasing with the company’s email address
  • Discounts for partners: You can reinforce network relations by offering discounts to specific companies. For example you sell clothes and accessories on your online shop and decide to offer a discount to every employee of the shipping company in charge of transporting your goods. Therefore any customers that buys from you using the shipping companies email address will benefit from the discount.
  • Company offers: When a customer purchases from you, you can offer a discount if he invites other members of his company to purchase from you, and all those who purchased from you with a certain email ending with a companies address can benefit from the discount.
  • Personalized offers: You can decide to give out a discount based on the users email, if for example a customer buys from your woocommerce store and comes back with complaints about your product. You can decide to give a ‘discount on the next purchase’ to those specific people based on the email used to purchase on your store.

Different tools to create an email database

Now that you know the importance of woocommerce dynamic discounts based on email address, you might be asking yourself what tools can help you create, manage and grow your newsletter list.

  • Mailchimp: they provide you with an automation an email marketing platform for e-commerce platforms. You can send, market and manage your mailing list and do much more with mailchimp. They have the paid and free version.
  • Ninja Popup is widely used for building email list of subscribers. They offer you a wide range of popups that you can use to create your dynamic discounts and win your customers heart.
  • Sendinblue: helps you to manage your emails or newsletter, you can send bulk messages, both small businesses or large scale enterprises can use it for email campaigns, automated messages in the language of your choice. You can choose between the premium and freemium version.
  • Sumo: helps you in the conversion process, you will get daily sign-ups and see your mailing list grow. They have the paid and free version.

After deciding on which emailing system that suits your type of business, flexible and easy to use , you will need another plugin that will help you create and assign your dynamic discounts based on email addresses and the most important plugin that can help you achieve this is Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce . It is the ultimate discount plugin that can help you create from the easiest to the most complex discount. It has the premium and freemium version which you can try out.

There is a step-by-step guide on how to setup WooCommerce dynamic discounts based on the customer’s email address here.

Basically if you are able to setup your mailing system, target the right people and apply the right discounts you will get results overtime and see your sales move-up.

The ball is now in your court to do your research, gather your audience and tailor offers strategically.